Check out that super creative presentation, it says so much so clearly… in only 3 minutes!! AND, even better… the subject is worth talking about! Don’t you THINK?
All posts in Philosophy & Spirituality
Steve Jobs… about College, Dreams, Life, Business, …
Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address
Croisière aux Bahamas à la rencontre des Dauphins sauvages et… de vous-même!
Mon dauphin intérieur… une rencontre :
Lorsqu’on entend parler des dauphins, des sourires apparaissent sur nos visages… Lorsqu’on les approche en mer, une joie intense et communicative envahit nos cœurs… Mais qu’est-ce que le dauphin vient réveiller en nous ? Mais qui est ce “dauphin” qui vit en nous ?
C’est dans les eaux chaudes, transparentes et peu profondes qui entourent l’île de Bimini aux Bahamas que vous sillonnerez à bord du voilier “Mango” (Monocoque GibSea Master 522, 16 mètres de long). Vous découvrirez la vie à bord, la voile, la mer et sa vie riche et colorée, les grandes plages désertes qui bordent l’île… Vous naviguerez et plongerez à la rencontre des dauphins tursiops et tachetés qui vivent aux alentours… en toute liberté.
Accompagnement – Animation :
En contact avec le milieu aquatique des dauphins, Anouk Pavy vous propose un cheminement à la rencontre de vous-même, de votre “dauphin intérieur”. Par des techniques aquatiques particulières (watsu-wata, apnée) et par une préparation plus globale (éveil des sens, relaxation, centration, méditation) vous serez invité à vivre une reliance corps-cœur-esprit plus fluide. Une manière d’entrer un peu dans la peau des dauphins et, s’ils le permettent, les approcher. Des moments de partage dans le groupe seront proposés chaque jour afin de favoriser l’intégration des vécus de chacun.
Réunion d’information : Samedi 16 Octobre 2010 à 20h30 dans le Brabant-Wallon, Belgique
DATES : 2 Voyages à vous proposer en 2011
Du 17 au 26 Avril 2011 / Avec animation adaptée aux Enfants et Familles. Au départ de Miami, traversée vers Bimini et retour Miami.
Du 26 avril au 05 Mai 2011 / Avec animation adaptée aux Adultes. Au départ de Miami, traversée vers Bimini et retour Miami.
Télécharger le PDF d’information (PDF 900Ko): PAVY-ANOUK-BAHAMAS2011-3
Anouk Pavy
Depuis plus de 15 ans, ses nombreuses formations, recherches, pratiques et expériences dans les domaines du développement personnel, de la communication, du massage, de la sophrologie, du travail énergétique et des thérapies psychocorporelles aquatique et crânio-sacrée ont conduit Anouk à accompagner des personnes sur leur chemin d’évolution personnel. A côté de son accompagnement individuel, Anouk propose également des activités de groupe comme des week-end d’initiation watsu-wata ainsi que des voyages à la rencontre des dauphins. Sa passion pour les voyages et les rencontres inter-espèces l’amène à accompagner des personnes dans leur voyage tant extérieur qu’intérieur.
Just imagine…
Imagine that you won the following prize:
Each morning, $86,400 would be deposited in your bank account — but there are certain conditions and rules:
• Everything you did not spend during each day would disappear.
• You may only spend the money yourself; you cannot transfer it into another account.
• Each morning, the bank deposits another $86,400 into the account for that day only.
• Final rule: The game can end without warning. The account will simply close.
What would you personally do? How would you play the game? You would probably spend it on anything and everything you might desire, right? Not only for yourself, but for friends and loved ones — maybe even for people you don’t know, because it’s tough to spend all that money on yourself? You would try to spend every sent in a way that is enjoyable and wise, right?
Well, this « game » is reality — it is your life. Each of us has such a magical bank account. The deposit we receive each morning is not money, but time — 86,400 seconds as a gift. And when we go to sleep at night, our deposit disappears until the next deposit when we awaken. Time we haven’t spent well on that previous day is forever lost. Yesterday is gone.
Each morning the account refills, but the « bank » can dissolve your account at any time, without warning.
So what will you do with your 86,400 seconds? Aren’t they worth so much more than dollars? Let’s spend, wisely and well, those seconds, minutes and hours of our life.
Source: Dan Millman’s Notes
« The Four Agreements » by Don Miguel Ruiz
Agreement 1 / Be impeccable with your word
Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.
Agreement 2 / Don’t take anything personally
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.
Agreement 3 / Don’t make assumptions
Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
Agreement 4 / Always do your best
Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.
Don Miguel Ruiz’s book, The Four Agreements was published in 1997. For many, The Four Agreements is a life-changing book, whose ideas come from the ancient Toltec wisdom of the native people of Southern Mexico. The Toltec were ‘people of knowledge’ – scientists and artists who created a society to explore and conserve the traditional spiritual knowledge and practices of their ancestors. The Toltec viewed science and spirit as part of the same entity, believing that all energy – material or ethereal – is derived from and governed by the universe. Don Miguel Ruiz, born and raised in rural Mexico, was brought up to follow his family’s Toltec ways by his mother, a Toltec faith healer, and grandfather, a Toltec ‘nagual’, a shaman. Despite this, Don Miguel decided to pursue a conventional education, which led him to qualify and practice for several years as a surgeon. Following a car crash, Don Miguel Ruiz reverted to his Toltec roots during the late 1970’s, first studying and learning in depth the Toltec ways, and then healing, teaching, lecturing and writing during the 1980’s and 90’s, when he wrote The Four Agreements (published in 1997), The Mastery of Love (1999), The Four Agreements Companion Book (2000), and Prayers (2001). Don Miguel Ruiz survived a serious heart attack 2002, since when his teachings have been largely channelled through seminars and classes run by his followers, notably his sons Don Jose Luis and Don Miguel Ruiz Junior. The simple ideas of The Four Agreements provide an inspirational code for life; a personal development model, and a template for personal development, behaviour, communications and relationships.
More info:
Beethoven Symphonie 7 Deuxième mouvement – Allegretto –
Solutions locales pour un désordre global
Management vs. Leadership
Managers have subordinates / Leaders have followers
Managers manage tasks / Leaders lead people
Management is the science of getting the job done efficiently through people. It involves coordinated processes, controls and the execution of tasks and projects to accomplish the organization’s mission. Leadership is the art of inspiring and empowering people to see the vision and do their jobs effectively. Not all managers are leaders and not all leaders are managers. The best managers are also great leaders, effectively applying the science of management along with the art of leadership. People naturally follow leaders out of trust, respect and personal motivation. Leaders set the right example and bring out the best in the people who follow them. Effective leaders are connected, engaged and have a passion for their mission. They build teams and instill a vision, motivation and passion in the teams they lead. Leaders are coaches, helping the members of their teams to excel and grow. They freely give positive & negative feedback to team members, building skills and confidence. Effective leaders build winning teams that take pride in their performance.
The House where you live?
La dame et le bol de soupe
Une vieille dame s’arrête un soir dans
un restaurant d’autoroute.
Elle va au self et prend une soupe chaude,
puis va s’asseoir toute seule à une table.
Elle se rend compte qu’elle a oublié de prendre
du sel.
Elle se lève, erre un peu dans le restaurant
avant d’en trouver, et retourne à sa table.
Mais en revenant, elle y trouve un noir assis,
qui plonge sa cuillère dans le bol de soupe
et la mange lentement.
« Oh! Il a du culot ce noir! pense la brave
dame. Je lui apprendrais bien les bonnes
manières »
Mais elle s’assied sur le côté de la table,
et charitablement le laisse manger un peu de
sa soupe. Tirant un peu le bol à elle, elle
plonge sa cuillère elle aussi, cherchant à
partager au moins cette soupe avec lui.
Le noir retire doucement le bol vers lui,
et continue de manger.
La dame se remet à le tirer légèrement vers
elle, pour pouvoir y avoir accès. Et ils
finissent la soupe ainsi.
Alors le noir se lève, lui fait signe de
patienter, et revient avec une portion de
frites énorme, qu’il partage avec elle,
comme la soupe.
Enfin ils se saluent, et la dame part aux
toilettes. Mais quand elle revient, elle veut
prendre son sac pour partir, et découvre
qu’il n’est plus au pied de sa chaise.
« Ah! J’aurais bien dû me méfier de ce noir! ».
Elle hurle dans tout le restaurant, criant
au voleur, jusqu’à ce que finalement on
retrouve son sac, posé au pied d’une table
où repose un bol de soupe refroidie…
SON bol auquel personne n’a touché.
C’était elle qui s’était trompée de table
et avait partagé le repas de l’homme!