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5 Strategies to Green Any Job!

You can’t beat the satisfaction of making the world a cleaner, more pristine place. For this reason, more and more people want green jobs. The more President Obama talks about them, the better they sound. In reality, many of us can have a tremendous impact, without working for a wildlife reserve or a solar energy company.


Here are some ways to green your existing job:

Start a Game
People love competitions, even if it is ultimately for a mundane goal.
What department can reduce their electricity use the most or have the largest number of employees commute by bike?
How can you replace bottled water consumption with filtered tap water?

“We have people here in our offices that are creating contests around printing,” said Matt Arnold, Partner, Pricewaterhouse Coopers in an interview with PlanetSave. “Think about how day-to-day this can get. We are having a contest to see who can print the least, floor by floor, department by department. We are keeping score and it’s a little game. The people that designed it are having a blast and we’re reducing paper consumption.”

Raise Awareness
“Once you draw people in like that, it all becomes and education process,” continued Matt Arnold. “They start to wonder, where does paper come from anyway? Why do we need so much of it? Is all paper consumption bad? How much is recycled? What does a sustainably managed forest look like?”

People are more likely to get excited about the game if they understand its importance in a larger context. Much of this can come about organically during discussions over lunch or at a staff meeting.

Get Buy-In From Upper Management
With a meager job market, many people might feel that they have no choice but to remain at a certain job. Sustainability initiatives can help boost their enthusiasm and give a renewed interest in a given job.

In 2007, an Ipsos Mori survey found 81% of Americans prefer working for a company with a good environmental responsibility reputation. Employee retention and productivity are reliant on worker morale and sustainability indicatives can be a way to bolster that. Some managers will take advantage of potential green initiatives and use it as a way to attract talent.

“This generation wants to work for a corporation that is socially responsible,” says Barry Anderson, interim CEO for Gifts in Kind. “When I entered the workforce, that never came up.”

Some companies take advantage of this as a means for employee retention on boosting morale. With upper management support, green improvements can flourish even more.

Have a Vision
Every sustainability initiatives within a company originated from someone with a vision. Employees often are in the best position to see where the greatest improvements can be made.

“We got a call from a pharmaceutical company that wants to install solar panels on their roofs,” said Matt Arnold. “That’s triggered by some individual that works for that company that thinks that’s a good idea and that’s a green idea.”

Ultimately, our attitude and way of thinking within a job can have a greatest impact on how green it is. “What is a green job?,” said Matt Arnold. “We can all have a green job.”


Sarah Lozanova

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Comment communiquer de manière plus “verte”?

Expression artistique avec Sébastien Romignon Ercolini!

« Hâtons-nous de succomber à la tentation, avant qu’elle ne s’éloigne ! » (Epicure)

Artiste, ténor d’origine vénitienne, révélateur de talents, consultant artistique, manager de voyages, créateur gastronomique, homme d’affaires, networker, Sébastien Romignon Ercolini est une de ces rares personnalités qui vous touchent et vous inspirent dès la première rencontre. Ses diverses activités favorisent l’émergence créative dans toute sa splendeur, et surtout à travers tous les sens. Pour la « vue », il nous fait découvrir des photographes, peintres ou encore exprime remarquablement son talent de scénographe,… Pour l' »ouïe », il nous fait rencontrer et écouter des chanteurs, pianistes, guitaristes. Et, last but not least, Sébastien chante, comme ténor lyrique,… Et pour le « goût », il nous fait déguster régulièrement les saveurs et parfums de la gastronomie du monde avec des vins et mets pensés et préparés avec maîtrise et passion.

Sébastien Romignon Ercolini, un personnage à découvrir:


Trois séminaires de Créativité en juin 2009 à Bruxelles avec Mark Raison

THE YELLOW WEEK avec Mark Raison


A la fin du mois de juin, Mark Raison organise à Bruxelles une semaine de Créativité.
Au cours de cette YELLOW WEEK, vous pourrez participer à trois séminaires AU CHOIX.

22 et 23 juin:
CREATIVITE & INNOVATION, boostez votre créativité !

24 juin:
TEAM GENIUS, la créativité de votre équipe !

25 et 26 juin:
VISION STRATEGIQUE & CREATIVITE, les secrets des entreprises innovantes !


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The ways of buying a product…and its packaging!

Gérard Caron (the leading international design spokesman and founder of Carré Noir, the first design agency in France) hereunder unveils the mechanisms of the consumer’s buying behaviour and the role that packaging design plays in that respect.

How do we attract the consumer?

The answer lies mainly in the product identity, its presentation, the clever way it can be used…in a word, in its design. Its objective will basically be to open an area of desires in the consumer’s imagination. The languages used by designers are in the realms of the irrational, in sensations, instinct, archetypes, and received ideas that bombard all individuals, and in particular the consumer pushing his shopping trolley or the executive in a car dealer’s showroom! We know that consumers do not have a single form of behaviour when it comes to products. The irrational mixes with the rational to varying degrees according to the nature of the product and the circumstances surrounding the purchase…

The four types of buying behaviour

1. The functional attitude: The buyer only takes into account the purely utilitarian and functional aspect of the product. Any suggestion and any appeal to the imagination would be superfluous. In this case the buyer sticks to the product’s functional value.

2. The analytical attitude: The consumer turns into a genuine professional buyer, himself inventing his own way of buying. He weighs up, compares, and anlalysis the quality, the performance, the prices, and the novelty factor. He decides freely and in full knowledge of the facts…or at least he thinks he does. The products of reference brand analyse the four main types of consumer behaviour in the supermarket choice in so far as they add to rational arguments.

3. The imaginary attitude: This is the attitude that links the products to certain fashion values and to new forms of behaviour, with strong consumer identification with the brand. Here, design can be linked to the impact of fashion, and an appeal to the senses is then a very important asset. Many products aimed at teenagers fall into this category.

4. The recreational attitude: The purchaser distances himself from his day-to-day life, he seeks pleasure, humour, a break with reality. This behaviour is obviously linked to impulsive « fun » purchases or exclusive products or gadgets….

Read the rest of this article :
