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Some perspective: Scaling the universe!

The complete range of scale between the largest and smallest objects in the cosmos is truly astronomical.

The observable universe is 100 million billion billion times bigger than a human,

while humans are a million billion times larger than a proton in the nucleus of an atom.

How Enlightened Are You? A Test:

Well. . .

If you can live without caffeine or nicotine;

If you can be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains;

If you can resist complaining;

If you can understand when loved ones are too busy to give you any time;

If you can take criticism and blame without resentment;

If you can ignore friends’ limited educations and never correct them;

If you can treat the rich and poor alike;

If you can face the world without lies or deceit;

If you can conquer tension without medical help;

If you can relax without liquor;

If you can sleep without the aid of drugs;

If you can have no prejudice against creed, color, religion, gender, sexual preference, or politics –

– then you have almost reached the same level of spiritual development as your dog.

(Source: unknown)

Pourquoi une communication plus « verte »?

L’environnement est aujourd’hui sur toutes les lèvres et à toutes les sauces. De nombreuses initiatives voient le jour. Certaines sont initiées par des leaders charismatiques come Al Gore ou Nicolas Hulot, d’autres, nombreuses et toutes aussi importantes, sont lancées par des particuliers, entreprises et institutions. Que ce soit dans l’industrie automobile, dans le monde de l’énergie, du bâtiment, dans l’alimentaire, la santé chacun contribue en apportant sa pierre à ce nouvel édifice.

Et “nous”, gens de la communication d’entreprise, aussi bien du côté de l’annonceur que du côté des agences et des prestataires de services…

Que pouvons-nous faire?
Comment pouvons-nous contribuer à cet élan environnemental?

Et pourquoi?

Parce que nous sommes des citoyens “responsables”. Nos métiers respectifs et nos actions quotidiennes ont des conséquences fortes à un niveau sociétal, pouvant ouvrir certaines voies et entraîner un effet systémique, pour le bien-être de notre planète.

Parce que nous sommes aussi des gens du “business” et une communication plus verte a un double avantage:

1) Bien gérée, elle peut être bénéfique pour notre “image”.
Oui, c’est clair, la thématique environnementale est indispensable et beaucoup plus qu’un “effet de mode”. Du point de vue du marketing et de la communication d’entreprise, une approche plus verte constitue aujourd’hui un véritable avantage. Cette communication plus écologique nous donne “l’image” d’un acteur conscient des besoins et réalités de notre société, engagé, humain, flexible et capable de relever les nouveaux défis. Il est clair qu’il s’agit ici d’un levier Marketing à exploiter, à la seule condition que l’entreprise possède une réelle vision écologique et entreprenne des actions concrètes dans cette direction. On pourra alors parler d’une stratégie de marketing écologique où l’environnement devient une “opportunité” sur le marché.

2) Elle peut être plus économique.
En effet certaines actions peuvent entraîner des économies conséquentes, en particulier sur la thématique du gaspillage…

Suite voir notre billet « Comment communiquer de manière plus verte » (1)?

(Source: Alex Pavy)

You were born to be creative

In the late 1940’s, a group of psychologists were discussing the lack of creativity in most adults. They speculated that by the age of 45, there was only a minute percentage of the population who could think creatively. To prove that assumption they designed a creativity test and gave it to a group of 45 years old. Less that 5 percent of them were judged creative by the test.

They continued testing by reducing the age of the subjects. They tested at ages 40, 35, 30, 25, and 20 years old. The 5 percent creativity figure stayed basically the same for all these groups. Finally at 17 years old the percentage of creative individuals rose to 10 percent. At the age of 5, it sky rocketed to over 90 percent!

The conclusion ? Almost everyone is highly creative at age five.

(Source « Creativity in Business », Carol Kinsey Goman, Crisp Publications, California)

The Power of Precision Marketing

Companies :
How can we spend our marketing euros more effectively and minimize waste ?

Customers :
Why can’t companies cut out all the junk, and present me with only relevant and compelling offers?

Marketers spend millions of euros every year on advertising and other forms of marketing promotion. Is it money well spent?

In most cases, the answer is no, not by a long shot. The reason is simple: Most marketing messages reach a large number of the « wrong people » and only a small fraction of the « right people ». The wrong people are consumers from whom a company stands to derive little, if any benefit. The right people are consumers who can make all the difference in the world in terms of future growth and profitability.

In their efforts to drive brand awareness and sales revenues, smart companies are coming to realize they can no longer afford to market mostly to the wrong people. They can no longer put all their eggs in the basket of mass media marketing, or what some executives knowingly call « spray-and-pray marketing ».

Today, the pressure to demonstrate marketing ROI has never been greater. That being the case, many companies are taking a hard look at how they allocate their marketing resources. They’re taking a more scientific approach to marketing and treating it as a true business discipline. This means more rigorously capturing, analyzing, and manipulating customer data. And it means delivering narrowly defined messages that are differentiated, and designed to resonate with customers’ specific wants and needs. This process is called precision marketing.

(Source : Precision Marketing, Jezz Zabin & Gresh Brebach, John Wileys & Sons, inc)