All posts in Arts & Design

The Girl Effect: The Clock is Ticking

Check out that super creative presentation, it says so much so clearly… in only 3 minutes!! AND, even better… the subject is worth talking about! Don’t you THINK?

Just imagine…

Imagine that you won the following prize:
Each morning, $86,400 would be deposited in your bank account — but there are certain conditions and rules:
• Everything you did not spend during each day would disappear.
• You may only spend the money yourself; you cannot transfer it into another account.
• Each morning, the bank deposits another $86,400 into the account for that day only.
• Final rule: The game can end without warning. The account will simply close.

What would you personally do? How would you play the game? You would probably spend it on anything and everything you might desire, right? Not only for yourself, but for friends and loved ones — maybe even for people you don’t know, because it’s tough to spend all that money on yourself? You would try to spend every sent in a way that is enjoyable and wise, right?

Well, this « game » is reality — it is your life. Each of us has such a magical bank account. The deposit we receive each morning is not money, but time — 86,400 seconds as a gift. And when we go to sleep at night, our deposit disappears until the next deposit when we awaken. Time we haven’t spent well on that previous day is forever lost. Yesterday is gone.

Each morning the account refills, but the « bank » can dissolve your account at any time, without warning.

So what will you do with your 86,400 seconds? Aren’t they worth so much more than dollars? Let’s spend, wisely and well, those seconds, minutes and hours of our life.

Source: Dan Millman’s Notes

10 QUESTIONS pour repenser votre Corporate Identity dans le B2B?


  1. Votre Nom d’entreprise est-il facile à mémoriser et à écrire?
  2. Votre logo est-il simple et instantanément identifié?
  3. Fonctionne t-il en Noir & Blanc?
  4. L’ajout de couleurs sert-il ou dessert-il le logo?
  5. Avez-vous un baseline? Si Oui, aide t-il à positionner l’entreprise sur son marché?
  6. Considérez-vous votre logo comme une « marque »?
  7. Génère t-il une émotion (positive)?
  8. Etes-vous fier de votre logo?
  9. Avez-vous une Charte Graphique? Et tient-elle compte des nouveaux médias comme Linkedin, Youtube, les Emailings?
  10. Vous faites-vous conseiller par un spécialiste?